Cheer Up Charlie’s Turns Two
I have never written about a bar and/or music venue before, so this feels a little strange and awkward. But, you know what? I really don’t care. You know why? Because Cheer Up Charlie’s is one of my favorite venues in Austin and they are turning two years old. That is sort of a big deal!
When Cheer Up Charlie’s opened their doors on March 14, 2010 (yes, technically they are a few weeks past two years old — but they didn’t want their 2nd birthday party to be overrun by SXSW folks), not only did they open before the east side (specifically East 6th Street) developed into a bastion of live music venues and bars, but they were (and still are) one of the few truly LGBTQIA hangouts in Austin. Yeah, I know what you are thinking. Austin is a pretty open (and weird) place and Austinites seem to feel free to be whoever they want to be. But it is still nice to have a venue that pretty much guarantees that no judging will be taking place within their slice of East 6th Street.
And as someone who would prefer if people were not categorized according to their sexuality, gender or ethnicity, it makes me very happy that a place like Cheer Up Charlie’s exists. I like that Cheer Up Charlie’s is not specifically a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, genderqueer or intersex bar — though it certainly caters to those demographics — and I especially like that they are so welcoming to the allies of the population as well. In other words, Cheer Up Charlie’s is one of those rare places where the rainbow of sexuality and gender is blurred beyond recognition.
As a film lover, Cheer Up Charlie’s first attracted my attention as the after-party spot for Cinema East screenings. I cannot imagine a better way to conclude a hot summer evening of watching an amazing independent film outside than with locally microbrewed vegan beers, biodynamic wines, locally made kombucha, freshly squeezed organic juice cocktails, or organic cold teas at Cheer Up Charlie’s. (I can’t wait until Cinema East season begins!!!)
But, truth be told, the main reason I love Cheer Up Charlie’s is because they host some really great live music events. All Tamara’s Parties 1.0, Ultimate Love Party Jamz Vol. XXX, NYE at CUCII are three recent mini-festivals that I once believed could only exist in my wildest dreams. Somehow, Cheer Up Charlie’s turned these fantastical events into reality. That leads me to wonder… What the heck are you doing poking around in my dreams, Cheer Up Charlie’s?
Cheer Up Charlie’s is celebrating their 2nd birthday on Friday, April 6th. For more information, check out the Facebook event page for Cheer Up Charlie’s Birthday Party.