Armchair Eye Candy from Art Basel Miami Beach
Art Basel Miami Beach has 206 exhibitors this year. I am not there but have spent the better part of the morning browsing the website to see what the major galleries are exhibiting. (Mind the opulence of minimalist surfaces.) And so here is just a short (very short) selection of some things I found really interesting (out of the overall glut of visual information on view down south) – and a partial why, including: Dr. Lakra (have you heard of him?) is a Mexican tattoo artist whose work will be on view at Museo de la Ciudad de México from December 8-February 9, 2012.
The Korean artist Haegue Yang (showing at Kukje Gallery) is a bit like a Korean Andrea Zittel (whose work I’ve also selected): the dress vehicle of Venetian blinds, shown, is “mobile and functions fully only when a viewer moves them around a space.” Speaking of space, well, seek deep into Ivan Navarro at Paul Kasmin. And then there are others for whom visual pleasure alone is the only component. This was my armchair. Please feel free to share comments of yours.