The Artist Wins Best Picture at 2012 Oscars
Written and directed by French filmmaker Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist is a silent, black-and-white film, which premiered in Paris in 2011. Prior to taking the 2012 Oscars by storm, the film’s star Jean Dujardon, who played George Valentin, also won Cannes Film Festival’s “Best Actor” award in 2011. At the Oscars last night The Artist won “Best Picture”, and also won awards for “Best Actor”; “Costume Design”; “Directing”; “Original Score.”
Chicago Tribune critic Michael Phillips writes, “For the first time since 1929, when the clubby, self-promotional and studio-driven Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recognized “Wings” and “Sunrise” in the first Academy Awards ceremony, a black-and-white silent feature won the Oscar.”
The Artist co-stars Bérénice Bejo as Peppy Miller. Other recognizable faces to American audiences in the film include: Beth Grant as Peppy’s Maid; John Goodman as Al Zimmer; James Cromwell as Clifton; Penelope Ann Miller as Doris, among others.
2012 Oscars clip below: