Designing New Narrative Coverage of SxSW: Two Picks
Among the myriad new ways that people are communicating about real time events (like the ever-interactive SXSW) we just picked two for their design qualities and that pervasive comment among artists about being visual thinkers and processors. (Us writers too!)
Ogilvy Notes, has this fantastic summary of some of SxSW’s best festival events in drawing form. Check it out at this link:
Then (or first, or after, or whatever sequential transition language imposes), comes Storify. See This site is a way for people to tell (curate, narrate, photo-populate), yes, stories, about what they’re doing, where they are, etc. A crowd-source in real time on a platform that lets you browse around and takeaway from peoples’ live experiences of places where you are, well, not. I like it. A lot. As we know, the future is here already. Check out these interesting sites for more.