What Laurie Anderson Said: The ISEA2012 Blog
Laurie Anderson said that Occupy Art was responsible for life imitating art when a police cordon (tipped off to Occupy Art’s presence there) encircled Lincoln Center’s glittery plaza last December after Philip Glass’s opera Satyagraha, sung in Sanskrit, set in old South Africa (about the collapse of nations), had its final performance at the Met.
Laurie Anderson said it’s hard for opera-goers to give themselves permission to go downtown to clubs where the dress code is different. Likewise from downtown to updown.
Laurie Anderson said that Sol LeWitt was the most generous artist she ever met and they had long lunches in Rome together when they both turned up two weeks early for an art show they were in.
Laurie Anderson said that she and Lou Reed used to go look at electronics together (before they got together, then married).
Laurie Anderson said that Gordon Matta-Clark held their “little group together.”
Laurie Anderson said that she considers herself an artist first, a New Yorker second and a woman third.
Laurie Anderson said that she used to make things up about the Egyptians.