Volta NY 2011 – International Artists of Intrigue
The reason Im just getting around to posting these images of the Volta NY is that because between Armory Arts Week, March 3-6, housesitting two poodles, returning to Santa Fe and finishing this website, well, let the rest go unsaid. It was a fun fair, the only fair Id been to in New York during Armory Week in which the elevators opened onto a stylized slouch scene, lots of puffy chairs, with coats strewn and laptops open, telephones on, that gave the thing an aura of drop-down and plug-in. I tromped around with Pat and it was the only time I got to see her so that was also good. But what surprised me was that suddenly youd see work from Cape Town, South Africa – Michael Stevenson Gallery from Sir Lowry Road, and youd go (I went), “wow, I dont quite know when I last saw contemporary art from Africa.” As it turned out, there was African art, political art installations , Fluxus-like experiments with entering a plexiglas booth that had lots of gen ys standing around giggling. Giggling – always a good thing. And the Armory maybe because we rode there all the long way down 57th Street behind a grimly furious couple in matching Burberrys, the Armory was more grim too. I will post on that separately as I did in calling out the work of Adriana Bustos, and other highlights of the Latin America Focus. Heres Volta: