Contemporary Indian Market- A Short Selection
Indian Market weekend brings a particular glut of art events of which the contemporary need to be culled out, and that’s why we’re here.
In the years that Darren Vigil Gray’s work often has won solo shows at Indian Market time, he has changed his brushstroke and the teeming characteristics of his canvases quite a bit. Often now it is the shamanic that interests him. Figures instead of acting among other figures are solo, like a tormented head in a crimson field, or another antlering, transmuting with animal spirits. At Gerald Peters Gallery, 1011 Paseo de Peralta, with an opening from 5-7 August 19th.
Bigstone Cree sculptor/potter Glen Nipshank shows at Robert Nichols’ Gallery’s Indian Market Artists show, 419 Canyon Road, this Friday and weekend. The work reveals that the particular nuances of smoke-clouds on micaceous clay can evoke both landscape forms and more practically, the plain desire to touch.
Keri Ataumbi is a jeweler, whose sister, Teri Greeves, is a bead artist. I’ve known Keri for a long time but at SoFa West this year encountered both her bracelets with magnetic scarabs and also her sunglasses, part of an accessories line that I think will likely attract some contemporary-minded buyers at Market this year. Their booths are usually along the north flank of the Plaza across from La Fonda Hotel.
Also don’t miss a Navajo designers’ fashion event at El Farol, 808 Canyon, at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Or on Sunday Native fashion contests at Cathedral Park and on the Plaza.
Big thumbs up – thanks!