Best last lines for now

Best darkly funny lines on last nights season finale of Big Love. Sort of like an evil country song.

Albie (to his sister Nikki, the separated second wife of Bill:

Albie: Mama wants to kill me and Papa is not about to forget you pushed him down the stairs. …is it so wrong to want your parents dead?

Barb to Bill (his 1st of 3 wives), in response to his chalking up her desire to have another baby to their current stress:

Barb: Dont belittle me Bill. (Lyrics from a Motown song.)

Speaking of Bills- Last week on Spectacle, Elvis Costello with…, His guest was Bill Clinton and it was “spectacular”. Bill didnt play his saxophone but with Elviss exceptional interviewing abilities he said what music and playing an instrument meant to him and how it influenced his life and ability to succeed in politics. Mesmerizing. This week the guest is James Taylor and, no matter what one thinks of his music, Elvis will direct the conversation so that you stay glued to the screen and want to capture every word and “note”. And, in the end I promise you will want to know more about James Taylor.

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