Part of Nov 2011

2012 Hugo Boss Prize Finalists Announced
New York Times’ Carol Vogel reported earlier today that the six artist finalists for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation’s 2012 Hugo Boss Prize have been announced. The prizewinner, to be announced next fall, will receive $100,000 and a solo exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum. The contending finalists are: Trisha Donnelly (New York/San Francisco), Rashid Johnson (Brooklyn), Monika Sosnowska (Poland), Danh Vo (Berlin), Tris Vonna-Michell (Stockholm), and Qiu Zhijie(Beijing/Hangzhou). Additionally, writes Vogel, “As has been the case for several years now, no painters are on the list.”
Feature image credit: Qiu Zhijie, Tattoo Series, chromogenic print, mounted on aluminum, 1994.