“Free of Earth’s Gravity”: Space-Travel via the Internet
The Yowayawa Camera Woman diary has evolved from a website in which Tokyo photographer Natsumi Hayashi displays levitating self-portraits of herself, rather a Sandy Skoglund meets Pippi Longstocking, to a realized art show on view in Tokyo at the MEM gallery.
Yes, I know, Tokyo is a long way away from the American southwest, where we are physically, but given the fact or the fantasy of levitating, begin your journey by clicking here: For the blog of the Yowayawa (“feeble”) woman for whom old-style cameras are heavy. This is also my excuse to call attention to this contemporary art blog covering the scene in Tokyo: Tokyo Arts Beat dot com, and here the new review of the Hayashi show.
The artist writes:
I’m trying to express myself in the series as someone free from Earth’s gravitational pull. In being free of gravity in the photographs, I am also not bound to societal conventions. I feel as though I am not tied to many things and able [sic] to be my true self… It is clear that such my feeling [sic] is only an illusion, but I hope that the illusion can be converted into reality and fixed in the photographs piled up as a diary open to the public.
She also frequently (before his death in 5/12 of “congenital kidney disorder”) showed her cat, Guru, not levitating.